martes, 7 de abril de 2015


Fast and Furious 7

Is a accion movie with a group of people with cars they do a lot of carzy and awesome things, made by james wand and write chris the seventh movie of the series

the characters know how to drive cars and use guns most of the time they drive

vin diesel
paul walker
michelle rodrigez
jordana brewster
tyrese gibson
chris bridges 
dwayne johnson
lucas black
jason stathan

                                                                                                      trailer:  november 1 of 2014
          song of the movie                                                                                                                 

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015



The food is some countries is so rare for exaple in china the people eat frogs and other insects that in other countries for the people is not food in india they don't eat cows because for they the cows are like gods becuse maybe when you die yo will live again but like a cow in colombia for example we eat only meet, chick
en,rice and normal things

My city yopal


I live in yopal,colombia is a small and hot city there is a lot of places to visit like the rivers and turistic parks with a lot of animals and nature. sometimes the wheater is hot but sometimes is very hot like 39o heare most of the people use shorts things to wear  our money is called peso our president is juan manuel santos heare is so many water and because of that the people get angry but is a good place to live


 Something about My life

Hi my name is daniel. i'm 12 years old i studied all my life in the L.M.C.F school , i'm  in seventh grade actually . i live with my dad, mom,brother and my dog max

i wake up at 6:00 am to go to the school at 12:00 pm i have breakfast in the school. when the school finish at 3:00 pm the bus take me to my home. when i arrive to my home i do my homeworks and then i play xbox . at 8:00 pm i have dinner . at 9:00 i turn off my xbox and i go to the bed to sleep

basiclly i have a normal and health life with all my family